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Samosir Art Festival 28– 29 December 2011 at Parbaba Beach, Samosir Island

Because we think that Art Performances are a great media to create awareness we are planning a local event on  a beautiful natural spot on the island of Samosir in the middle of the biggest volcanic crater lake in South East Asia. The idea is to improve the awareness of local people for the amazing beauty of the place they are living in and the need to take preserve arts, nature and culture.

See the map for location : Event Location at PARBABA

Participants will be local talents and well known artists will be coming from all over Indonesia and one of the star guests is the Russian spiritual painter Victoria Renaux Abdoulaeva who comitted herself to teach art on Samosir Island for everybody.

    1. Ceramic                              (Saut Sihaloho)
    2. Weaving                             (Tomphson Hs)
    3. Painting                (Monang Tampubolon)
    4. Traditional dance             (Sanggar Lusido)
    5. Handicrafts                        (Agoes Jolly)
    6. Photo exhibition               (
    7. Literature                           (Monang Naipospos)
    8. Batak writing                     (Bungaran Simanjuntak)
    1. Traditional dance             Local dance group
    2. Traditional music              (Martogi Sitohang & Guntur Sitohang)
    3. Traditional performance(Laris Naibaho)
    4. Music concerts                  (Yeppy Romero Pangaribuan ,Bonauli Band, Tengku Ryo
    5. Batak opera                       (Tomphson Hs)


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Name : ldRzssYQuhU13 Apr 2012
The people were llveoy Pamela, really llveoy. We saw a bit more of Medan when we were passing through towards Bukit Lawang, and it was quite a contrast as you get to the outskirts. Thanks for posting your comments. The first from someone we don\'t actually know ! Hope you liked the site.Pete.
Name : CChIPSkSHohAL13 Apr 2012
Hi,Just wanted to let you know that Medan has loads of learly modern air conditioned shopping centres that are not near the back packing areas where most of us back packers stay.And I have had the chance to visit the very beautiful and expensive Chinese housing complexes just on the outskirts of Medan that are such a contrast to the area around the Grand Mosque.Personally I learly like Medan with all its griminess, and the lovely lovely people.Pamela
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