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I Love my Lake by Tongam Sirait
Tongam Sirait is a new rising star from Parapat Lake Toba. He is a really talented man,great voice and great music player.He sing and write his own song.He wrote a lot of songs such as batak song,indonesian and English song.This is one of his latest song which telling how much he loves and care Lake Toba.
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Name : JAMSON SIRAIT22 Mar 2010
Mari kitabangun kota TOURIS BONA PASOGIT seutuhnya, tetapkan daerah situs budaya, daerah seni, daerah adat, dan yang paling utama mari kita membangun pintu utama masuk kota wisata BONA PASOGIT yaitu KOTA PARAPAT-TIGARAJA-AJIBATA. Bangun Budaya Ramah, Jujur, Bersahabat, Aman, bebas dari NAJA.
Ai parawisata do sumber ni hangoluanta sian najolo sahat tu saonari on.
Name : johanes silitonga20 Feb 2010
The way u play it.. I love it
bang keren banget.. mau tau dong chordnya..

Name : Nengsi silaban30 Okt 2009
horasssssssssss.............ito tonggam, saya bangga dengan ito yg bisa menciptakan lagu sendiri, sukses kepada ito...horas
Name : Agust 2009

horas ma ito togam.yuk kita sukseskan pariwisata danau-toba.terutama kota turis parapat.ternyata ada juga par parapat yang pintar menyanyi.teruskan hobby mu dan karya seni mu.aku rindu sangat rindu sekali kotaku parapat.
Name : carnyafely nainggolan23 Jul 2009
horas dihita sude....
Hi mr togam...i like to see now but just from computer but i feel very happy to see you the way do you still remember to bahasa batak?but i hope mr togam always know my favorite langgage.i come from samosir and my parent\'s live there until now.i do love my village.what about you mr togam?my i now your village?n my i know your life now because start from march i life in togam thank\'s for this beautiful song about lake toba.
say hello to my parent\'s,my friend\'s,and all off my family in samosir.thank\'s.GBU
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