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Samosir Event 3-5 January 2013 at Tuk Tuk
The community of the young generation from Tuk Tuk Siadong Samosir Island, where the center of Tourism at Samosir Island , come together and move forward on how to stimulate the tourism there. Therefore, they have made a commitment , on creating a Music - Culture event, to be held on 3 - 5 January 2013

It is going to be an unique event, when you are interested in Batak Culture. So, plan your trip to Lake Toba, during the event, and be a part of the event, as everyone welcome.

What to see in those 3 days event :
- The variety of Batak Dance, by group of young people  who are coming from different village, as one of the event theme is, Gondang Naposo, which mean, all the single person from different area coming to this event, and giving a group dance show, trying to find their soul mate.This was how used to be hundreds years ago.

- Variety of Live Music Show, by Local group. Some of them has been touring in Europa , bringing Batak Music.

- Traditional Dance Parade

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